Evidence For A Role Of The Gill In Osmotic Regulation In The Horseshoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus Linnaeus

Susan Jackson
The gill of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus consists of five paired stacks of thin chitinous lamellae, called book gills, each book containing about 150 lamellae. An oval-shaped region in the center of each lamella is visibly distinct from the outer, or peripheral region and covers about one-third of a lamella. The ultrastructure of these two regions was examined and found to contain morphologically distinct areas. Both sides of the blood space in the peripheral region and the dorsal
more » ... in the central region are lined with a single layer of thin, undistinguished cells. Cells in the central patch on the ventral, or recovery-stroke side of the blood space, on the other hand, exhibit elaborate infoldings of the basal membrane and interdigitations of lateral membranes with closely-associated and densely-packed mitochondria.
doi:10.21220/s2-9adq-v855 fatcat:a6yc55ifibhotmry6svfdrebuq