Hearing Loss And Hearing Conservation Practices Among Agriculture Instructors

Chales M. Woodford, Layle D. Lawrence, Lisa Fazalare, Jennifer Martin
1996 Journal of Agricultural Education  
This study was designed to determine the extent of hearing loss experienced by high school agriculture teachers in West Virginia, and the hearing conservation practices used by those teachers and their students. Data regarding teacher training and characteristics were collected and teachers were tested for auditory sensitivity. More than three-fourths of the teachers tested were found to have high frequency hearing loss. Most teachers had not received information in college concerning hearing
more » ... nservation. More than a third never wear hearing protection in their school shops and only about five percent always do. More than half the teachers reported difficulty in getting students to use safety and health equipment, with safety glasses and hearing protection presenting the greatest problems. The authors suggest that hearing conservation instruction begin in teacher preparation programs and that intensive inservice programs be provided for current teachers. They further suggest that information regarding hearing conservation methods and practices be incorporated into appropriate units and lessons, and that hearing protection equipment be provided by the schools and routinely used by teachers and students.
doi:10.5032/jae.1996.02034 fatcat:lgkkwdhjprg7vb37m4z5p4dwou