Chemical Peels for Post Acne Hyperpigmentation in Skin of Color

Arsiwala Shehnaz Z
2015 Journal of Pigmentary Disorders  
Acne has a complex multifactorial etiology. Inflammatory acne lesions often heal with sequelae. In skin of color the post acne healing phase often reflects post inflammatory hyperpigmentation which is very commonly seen. Though this hyperpigmentation is often transient and fades with time, in certain cases the life of pigmentary marks post acne is prolonged and is not conducive to therapy with topical agents and sunscreens alone. Chemical peels are often used an interventional therapy in
more » ... inned individuals for treatment of post acne hyperpigmented marks. This article reviews efficacy, and complications of chemical peels on post acne hyperpigmented marks
doi:10.4172/2376-0427.1000162 fatcat:iwnxst7i7vcbtke7ctxhgignd4