Mechanisms sustaining surface ocean buffering capacity changes [post]

Keith Rodgers
2020 unpublished
The study of Ridge and McKinley is to be commended for their investigation of mechanisms that contribute to controlling the net ocean uptake of carbon under future climate change. However, there are a few points that I think should be clarified in order that the study be more firmly anchored in previously published research. Readers of this work should be informed however that Gnanadesikan et al. (2015) is not the definitive work on attribution of the mechanisms controlling the flux of CO2
more » ... en the surface ocean and the interior. The study of Iudicone et al. (2016, SR) in fact considered this question of the relative importance of diapycnal transports and diffusive processs, and demonstrated for the primacy of diapcycnal transports as part C1
doi:10.5194/bg-2020-254-sc1 fatcat:plfl6327hzavperlyk7auxjqhi