Phase control of resonantly enhanced photoionization in an optically dense medium

David Petrosyan, P. Lambropoulos
2001 Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics  
We present a self-consistent theory, as well as analytical and numerical results, for the three-photon-onephoton phase control of resonantly enhanced photoionization in an optically dense medium of xenon gas. We show that for an optically thick medium, the standard phase-control technique has a rather limited application since, independently of the initial relative phase between the two fields, over a very short scaled distance of propagation the medium tends to settle such a relative phase
more » ... exactly cancels the atomic excitation. Rather unusual results for an optically thin layer of atoms are also found.
doi:10.1103/physreva.63.043417 fatcat:ftdttfknpjbwfliehs5bnr6eb4