Análisis y perspectivas de la información religiosa especializada

Fernando Cordero Morales
2008 Ámbitos Revista Internacional de Comunicación  
The religious fact, so connatural to the human life, continues to be interesting in the present society and, therefore, also to the mass media. We are also coming closer to the complex and plural reality of the religious information in Spain. It asks for the specialization of professionals, and it also looks at the new routes that are offered to this type of messages in the mass media world. We detect some elements that put tension between the journalistic practice and the eclesial message.
more » ... e questions show the importance of selecting, explaining, and valuing, with an ethical perspective, all what is related to this informative nucleus, as it happens to other areas of the specialized journalistic information.
doi:10.12795/ambitos.2008.i17.05 fatcat:imt2qexpqregnopxhwjizexi64