On the Fractography and Some Strength Properties of Fe-Based Sintered Materials with Multicomponent Oxide Microadditives

E. Feldshtein, M. Michalski, K. Adamczuk, L. Dyachkova
2019 International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering  
In the present paper, the effect of alumina and zirconia microadditives on the compressive strength and flexural strength of sintered Fe-based powder materials is shown. It was found that intercrystalline fractures, both plastic and brittle, are observed when bending. During compression, fractures are observed too, as well as flaking of thin near-surface layers. The intensity of such flaking depends on the composition of the sintered material. Strength parameters of the materials studied also
more » ... pend on additives composition and quantity. The lowest parameters are observed for a material that contains 1% alumina particulates. The compressive strength of a material containing zirconia particulates increases 3 times and the flexural strength 2 times.
doi:10.2478/ijame-2019-0059 fatcat:laansknvfbczxgbuxgwhft352a