Contrast Echocardiography

Mark A Friedman
2016 Einstein Journal of Biology and Medicine  
Ultrasound contrast agents are widely used in clinical practice for left ventricle opacification in sub-optimal echocardiograms. Recently, significant research has focused on the use of contrast echocardiography as a non invasive means to evaluate myocardial perfusion. Advances in contrast agents as well as ultrasound technology have enabled investigations into myocardial contrast echocardiography as a possible alternative to nuclear imaging studies. This review will focus on the development
more » ... current uses of contrast echocardiography, as well as future indications, including myocardial perfusion and risk stratification following myocardial infarction.
doi:10.23861/ejbm200421443 fatcat:527655ffr5bnbexv2ybmdyh5ii