The basement and tectonism of the river Jama'are floodplain: deduction from DC resistivity data

M. Z. Mohammed
2019 Global Journal of Geological Sciences  
The analysis of DC resistivity data of part of the River Jama'are Floodplain, Northeastern Nigeria was carried out with a view to mapping the basement and the subsurface structures. One hundred and six Schlumberger Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) stations located at the corners of a 225 x 225m square grid network were occupied. The interelectrode spacing (AB/2) was varied from 1-225m. Results identified four subsurface geologic layers; topsoil, alluvial sand, Chad Formation/weathered column
more » ... nd basement bedrock as undulating and basal unit at different depths. Four major parallel basement depressions suspected to be regional faults striking approximately NW-SE were delineated. This trend correlated with the general trend of the regional structures in the Chad Basin. The isopach maps of the topsoil and alluvial sand mirrored a more recent NE-SW trend that correlated with the Tibesti-Cameroon trough. However, this recent induced tectonics was adjudged significant to hydrogeology in the area.
doi:10.4314/gjgs.v17i1.4 fatcat:griqeukuwbahvgp5p7jaxiga44