How does the presence of neural probes affect extracellular potentials?

Alessio Paolo Buccino, Miroslav Kuchta, Karoline Horgmo Jæger, Torbjørn V Ness, Pierre Berthet, Kent-Andre Mardal, Gert Cauwenberghs, Aslak Tveito
2019 Journal of Neural Engineering  
Mechanistic modeling of neurons is an essential component of computational neuroscience that enables scientists to simulate, explain, and explore neural activity. The conventional approach to simulation of extracellular neural recordings first computes transmembrane currents using the cable equation and then sums their contribution to model the extracellular potential. This two-step approach relies on the assumption that the extracellular space is an infinite and homogeneous conductive medium,
more » ... hile measurements are performed using neural probes. The main purpose of this paper is to assess to what extent the presence of the neural probes of varying shape and size impacts the extracellular field and how to correct for them.
doi:10.1088/1741-2552/ab03a1 pmid:30703758 fatcat:ybhytkrchng3lgtucorzbmutta