Organizing dialogue from an incoherent stream of goals

Elise H. Turner
1992 Proceedings of the 14th conference on Computational linguistics -   unpublished
Human discourse appears coherent when it refleets coherent human thought. However, computers do not necessarily store or process information in the same way that people do a.ud~ therefore, cannot rely on the structure of their reuouing for the structure of thehr dialogue,s. Instead, computer-generated conversation must rely on some other mechanism for its orgsaiisation. In this paper, we discuss one such mechanism. We describe a template that provides a guide for conversation. The template is
more » ... ilt from schemata representing discourse convention. As goals arrive from the problem solver they are added to the template. Because accepted discourse structures are used to connect a new goal to the existing template, goals are organiaed into sub-groups that follow conventional, coherent patterns of discourse. We present JUDIS, an interface to a distributed problem solver that uses this approach to organise dialogues f~om an incoherent stream of goals.
doi:10.3115/992066.992121 fatcat:q6z5yt4h5fdxtkv3kflcd7n6mq