The results of evaluation of the collection of cocksfoot in the Central Chernozem zone

Natalia Malysheva, Elena Gubanova, Nadezhda Isaeva, Alexander Gubanov, E. Renev, R. Changzhong, V. Romanyuk, G. Batalova, Y. Shavrokov
2021 BIO Web of Conferences  
Cocksfoot is one of the earliest, highly nutritious valuable forage crops, which is widely used in agricultural production. It is relevant in developing varieties adapted to the environmental stress factors that have productive longevity, increased seed and fodder productivity. The paper presents the results of wild cocksfoot accessions conducted on Ekaterininskaya RS in 2017-2019. No accessions of cocksfoot were identified that consistently exceeded the standard grade for all three years of
more » ... dy. Accessions collected in the North Caucasus and Tajikistan and introduced from the Mediterranean region performed well in the first year of life, but by the third year of the life, they significantly reduced all characteristics. The accessions of cocksfoot from the Central Region of the European part of the RF and from the mountainous regions of the Southern Urals are of the greatest interest for breeding in the Central Chernozem zone.
doi:10.1051/bioconf/20213604007 fatcat:wmqkuh52j5dlznxvdbhblwmigu