Flame Inclination With Induced Wind Through Inlet Opening In A Tall And Narrow Atrium

H. Satoh, Osami Sugawa, Hitoshi Kurioka
1997 IAFSS - The International Association for Fire Safety Science : proceedings  
Inclination behavior of flames affected by the induced door jet(s) into a tall and narrow atrium space was studied experimentally. The inlet opening(s) were arranged to simulate the configuration of one door and two doors. Induced air velocity through door(s) was estimated considering stack effect and atrium space configuration. In the case where the separation between two doors is smaller than twice width of a door, door jets merged and affected the flame resulting the flame inclination,
more » ... r to the single door jet effects. The distribution of the door jet, not at and near the inlet opening but in the atrium space, showed the normal distribution curve. Those of merged door jets demonstrated the additivity of the configurational contribution based on the setting locations of doors. A simple model which gives the estimation of the attacking door jet velocity on a flame is presented considering door configurations, location and size of a fire source, heat release rate, and space factor of an atrium space.
doi:10.3801/iafss.fss.5-273 fatcat:7covwl5pk5advibn24txj4sstu