1889 The Lancet  
564 deaths were equal to an annual rate of 2'6 per 1000, which was 0'2 below the mean rate last week from the same diseases in the twenty-eight English towns. The fatal cases of diarrhoea, which had been 48 and 31 in the preceding two weeks, further declined last week to 24, of which 13 occurred in Glasgow, 3 in Edinburgh, and 3 in Aberdeen. The 18 deaths from whooping-cough were within one of the number in the previous week, and included 10 in Glasgow, 4 in Dundee, and 2 in Leith. The 10
more » ... referred to "fever" showed an increase upon the numbers in recent weeks ; 6 were returned in Glasgow and 2 in Aberdeen. The fatal cases of diphtheria also exceeded the numbers in recent weeks, and included 3 in Glasgow, 3 in Leith, and 2 in Edinburgh. The deaths from measles and scarlet fever, on the other hand, showed a further decline from recent weekly numbers. The deaths referred to acute diseases of the respiratory organs in the eight towns, which had been 48 and 55 in the previous two weeks, were last week 54, and 21 below the number returned in the corresponding week of last year. The causes of 39, or more than 9 per cent., of the deaths registered in the eight towns during the week were not certified. ___ HEALTH OF DUBLIN.
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)29307-1 fatcat:xkag3lb6dncrzassqirbw5s6ji