Methods to investigate the expression of lignin peroxidase genes by the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium

J Reiser, I S Walther, C Fraefel, A Fiechter
1993 Applied and Environmental Microbiology  
Two methods allowing the analysis of expression of specific lignin peroxidase (LPO) genes from white rot fungi are presented. In the first method, degenerate oligonucleotide primers derived from amino acid sequence motifs held in common among all members of the LPO gene family are used to prime the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of LPO-related nucleotide sequences from cDNA prepared by using RNA from ligninolytic cultures. The PCR products are cloned and analyzed by restriction
more » ... eavage and DNA sequencing. This method was applied to the analysis of transcripts from carbon-limited cultures of Phanerochaete chrysosporium BKM-F-1767, revealing two major classes of PCR products. One class showed DNA sequences with a high degree of similarity to the previously described CLG4 cDNA sequence (H. A. De Boer, Y. Zhang, C. Collins, and C. A. Reddy, Gene 60:93-102, 1987), whereas the other harbored DNA sequences with similarities to the L18 cDNA sequence previously described for P. chrysosporium OGC101 (T. G. Ritch, Jr.,
doi:10.1128/aem.59.9.2897-2903.1993 fatcat:ao7xjxaogrggfohs66oei2aahu