Gap analysis and determination of the necessary improvements in the production of the world-class system (Case Study: Iran Khodro Raje)

Seyed Morteza Aghapour Miri, School of Management, Nima Institute of Higher Education, Mahmoudabad, Iran
2021 International journal of social science and human research  
This article aims to investigate and identify gaps in the manufacturing system of world-class (WCM), In the auto industry and to establish the necessary adjustments to the systems in the organization using the critical performance analysis (IPA). This study presents a blend of the theoretical and practical framework as stated in the literature study and integrates the experts' viewpoints. The critical characteristics of Iran Khodro Company's world-class production system were defined. Then the
more » ... ssential elements for improving the company's world-class production system were defined and addressed utilizing critical performance analysis (IPA). Performance Analysis was used to acquire the gap analysis findings and identify areas for improvement (Importance performance analysis). Using this model system in world-class manufacturing in the Iran Khodro Company, assist the supreme managers and supervisors in identifying areas in the company that require improvement, and after implementing improvement measures in these areas, ensure the success of this system's establishment and ability to make the best decisions in the area of world-class production. Without a doubt, this article will be one of the most effective techniques for determining and analyzing organizational improvements and the development and implementation of WCM. For the experts, there will be a plethora of options
doi:10.47191/ijsshr/v4-i6-32 fatcat:vavgm2nkhnefbdu7atnrwgj4fu