P-239 腫瘍性病変との鑑別を要した陰嚢腫瘤の3例(ポスター 臍・鼠径ヘルニア・精巣1,Better Life for Sick Children, Better Future for Pediatric Surgery,第45回日本小児外科学会学術集会)
P-239 Three cases of scrotal mass suspected of testicular tumor(Poster Presentation Umbilicus, hernia, testis 1,Better Life for Sick Children, Better Future for Pediatric Surgery,the 45th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons)

Yoshiko Watanabe, 伊藤 泰雄, 韮澤 融司, 浮山 越史, 吉田 史子
2008 Journal of the Japanese Society of Pediatric Surgeons  
doi:10.11164/jjsps.44.3_550_1 fatcat:sa5pvisdxngy7ksw5ugav7lv3q