Mehmet Ali Sorunu Süreci Boyunca II Mahmud ve Diplomatları

2019 Journal of History and Future  
Mehmet Ali Problem was one of the biggest problem the Ottoman Empire faced in the nineteenth century. After some military defeats against his rebel governor, the only salvation way was using diplomacy for Mahmud II and his statesmen. Thus, without examining in detail what the Ottomans did diplomatically during this devastating problem, it is impossible a proper understanding this vital period. In this article, this will be done from the point of view of Mahmud's deliberate and purposeful
more » ... tic manoeuvres and through these, his self-evident plan, which was to change the diplomatic atmosphere in Europe with respect to Mehmet Ali problem to one that was in favour of assisting the Ottoman Empire. This includes the efforts of his most capable diplomats' in various European cities, particularly London, to implement their sovereign's plan. This article focused this because examination of this topic with use of the original Ottoman documents, revealed that Mahmud and his diplomats made vigorous efforts to resolve their enormous problem. Thus this study is an attempt to read one part of this vital diplomatic period, particularly 1835-1836, from the much-neglected Ottoman perspective, based on the hitherto overlooked Ottoman documents.
doi:10.21551/jhf.825539 fatcat:qce5pqowujd6vjmnequaocpiqa