A MAC - centric Approach to Detect and Mitigate EDCA Misbehavior Attacks

A. C. Politis, Department of Informatics Enginee ring, Technological and Educational Institute of Central Macedonia, Serres, Greece, P. Kyramaridis, C. S. Hilas, AT&T , Global Network Services , Brno, Czech Republic, Department of Informatics Enginee ring, Technological and Educational Institute of Central Macedonia, Serres, Greece
2016 Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Review  
The Medium Access Control (MAC) layer of modern Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) is known to be susceptible to a number of misbehaving actions. Malicious users are able to alter MAC-layer parameters or alter packet markings to fraudulently gain better service levels from the network to the disadvantage of well-behaved users. If a user is able to successfully perform such acts then the Quality of Service (QoS) functionality of the WLAN can be dramatically altered. In this paper we consider
more » ... tering the QoS markings on frames as the topic of investigation. This is a type of misbehavior that is harder to detect. Existing research work exploits game theory to discourage such abusive behaviors. Unlike these proposals we follow a deterministic approach to detect and confront this type of anomaly.
doi:10.25103/jestr.095.14 fatcat:cax2ufqgjfc6dmgjve2fvapqgm