Renewable Energy based Multimode Electric Vehicle Charging Station: A Review

Shubham Yadnik, Dr. Shruti Tiwari
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Abstract: The goal of this work is to understand working of renewable energy based multimode EV charging station that should be suited for fast charging of Electric Vehicle and that must be putting the least amount of overload on the Utility-grid. The charging station is operated in such way that it is either powered by solar PV-array system or utility-grid, to improve grid stability during peak load hours. A DC bus connects the PV-array interfaced with DC-to-DC converter and the Utility-grid
more » ... terfaced with DC to AC bidirectional converter. The efficiency of the utilized control approach is decided by a smooth transition between solar connected mode and grid connected mode. Although charging station infrastructure can be employed in many ways like it can be made only grid connected or only solar power connected but the coordinated operation of solar power system and grid can be efficient and economic option for implementation of EV charging stations on large scale. This renewable energy based multimode EV charging station can prove to be very much useful for reducing dependency on fossil fuel-based vehicles and promoting use of electric vehicles on large scale with very reasonable per unit cost of charging them. Keywords: Photovoltaic array (PV), Renewable energy, Grid connected EV Charging station, Electric Vehicle, Hybrid EV charging station
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.41951 fatcat:ddppkse6y5d2vc5xkdwhdeug7a