Stewart–Treves syndrome: A case report and review of literature

AtillaAdnan Eyuboglu, Harun Cologlu, Nebil Bal, Abbas Albayati, NilgunMarkal Ertas
2018 Turkish Journal of Plastic Surgery  
IntroductIon Lymphedema can occur following axillary dissection performed as part of surgical treatment in breast cancer cases. The systemic condition in which angiosarcoma and lymphedema arising from chronic lymphedema occur concomitantly has been defined as the Stewart-Treves syndrome (STS). Open wounds and vascular lesions can be seen in lymphangioma caused by chronic lymphedema. 10% mean survival rate for 5 years. We emphasize the importance of early diagnosis that can be a lifesaver.
doi:10.4103/tjps.tjps_18_18 fatcat:yeygmi4jvnfzhhotxuivv6nbze