The Case Study of Visualized Discussions by CSCL for Team Work in Project/Problem Based Learning of Monozukuri

Ayano Ohsaki, Yasushi Fuwa
2015 Transactions of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education  
In a higher education, improvement of generic skills (especially team work skills) is attracting attention. Many universities have begun an active learning include Project Based Learning and Problem Based Learning (PBL). Tottori University develops new education curriculum with creation for students from all faculties. Students learn teamwork skills as follows: sharing purposes, distribution of roles, sharing information and logical argument. There are two problems. (1) Students do not write a
more » ... ood reflection report. It is necessary to improve their quality. (2) Students do not describe their argument with the reason. This is the case study of activities with Computer Supported Collaborative Leaning (CSCL). The first result of this study is an increased number of characters per report by visualizing discussion. The second result showed a students' understanding of the discussion.
doi:10.14926/jsise.32.71 fatcat:6ytqvlwhebeihbk3r2dufpq4iy