nurse's role in delivering high-quality healthcare and the role of technology in providing better care

Surendra Dadheech
2022 International Journal of Health Sciences  
High recovery rates, fewer errors, and better results all around are associated with high quality of care (QOC). It is critical to comprehend the consequences for nurses' QOC given the many social and professional ramifications of how they view the nursing profession (NP). The study's objectives were to determine whether there was a correlation between nurses' QOC and their self-perceptions of nursing and whether there were any differences between men's and women's perceptions of nursing (NI).
more » ... urses felt more motivated and satisfied at work than patients did. Patients' evaluations of these characteristics were strongly linked with the length of their hospital stay and whether or not they were accompanied by relatives. Developing important caregiving skills may enhance the delivery of EoL care for critically ill patients & their families. Although further study is needed, emergency medicine nurses play a critical role in the administration of effective EoL care. It is known that in order to better their expertise in planning and delivering EoL care, critical care nurses need educational opportunities.
doi:10.53730/ijhs.v6ns4.11027 fatcat:ndtdi32stfhz7gwoufbpn7xe3y