Ancient Medicine: Selected Papers of Ludwig Edelstein, ed. by Owsei Temkin and C. Lilian Temkin, Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press; London, Oxford University Press, 1968, pp. xiv, 496, port. front., £5 19s. Od

F. N. L. Poynter
1969 Medical history  
Book Reviews commended for making available a treatise which can be read only in incunabula and early printed editions. But the actual latin text could have been subjected to a little more rigorous revision, so that some of the sentences might give better sense. The list of errata by no means covers all the misreadings, particularly in the first part of the book, a surprising fact considering the people who are supposed to have helped the editor.
doi:10.1017/s0025727300015015 fatcat:hdptcbs5hjeo7i3nukdmhjloom