Search for tidally driven abundance anomalies in Am stars

M. Fenovcík, J. Budaj, I. Iliev, M.T. Richards, I. Barzova
2004 Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union  
High S/N , high resolution CCD spectra of 10 Am binaries with different orbital elements, rotation and atmospheric parameters obtained with the 2-m telescope of NAO Rozhen (Bulgaria) were analyzed. We carried out preliminary abundance analyses of these stars and studied the possible dependences of abundance anomalies and [Ca/Fe] on their values of effective temperature, v sin i, orbital period, and eccentricity. There are weak trends of [Ca/Fe] increasing with v sin i and decreasing with
more » ... icity and orbital period. [Ca] seems to be increasing with effective temperature, and [Fe] decreasing with v sin i and increasing with eccentricity. However we need to study more stars to confirm and disentangle the possible trends.
doi:10.1017/s1743921305009683 fatcat:wtejndpiwfgkpmbfus6vz5t5z4