The Policy of Land Reclamation Use of Coastal Dike Development in Jakarta Bay

Andi Suriadi
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
This paper discusses the social problems of the use of land (old and new) in tidal flood disaster management that often occur in Jakarta Bay and its alternative solution policy. One of the mitigation efforts is to build a coastal dike that serves to hold off the runoff of the sea to the mainland. However, the construction of coastal dike is not easy because the residents have used the land along the coastline for various purposes that are not following it is designation. By using the
more » ... -descriptive method, the results of this study show that the land around the coast has been used by the community not following the rules to make settlements and make marine processing business. Whereas for a new land reclamation it has been used to make temporary docks and potentially be used improperly. The policy alternative offered is on new land have been planned to build flats, marine products processing facilities, fish markets, docks, and green open space.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220408.091 fatcat:224uifsbjvbklodmuklfrtcts4