Analysis of human resources optimization of the electric power project management

Zhirong Liang, Ying Du
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Education, Management and Computing Technology (ICEMCT-16)   unpublished
During the electric power project management, human resources are an important production factor, related to the project construction and management efficiency. Therefore, during the electric power project management process, human resources allocation should be analyzed so as to build a corresponding management system and formulate a reasonable human resources allocation for the optimization items of the management plan. Based on the above understanding, the author analyzes the optimal
more » ... on of human resources in the electric power project management so as to provide useful references for those interested in the issue.
doi:10.2991/icemct-16.2016.124 fatcat:5qez3ipmijcs3iuc23mw5f4crm