Research on Leisure and Fitness Business Marketing and Market Structure

Haijuan Ren
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Economy, Management and Education Technology   unpublished
In SCP paradigm and 7P.S marketing theory as the main theoretical basis, the use of interviews, field surveys and questionnaires and other methods to Zhengzhou for example, based on the city's sports and fitness business marketing, market structure and conduct investigation and analysis proposed amendments to the program is suitable for medium-developed central provinces, cities conduct marketing fitness business market structure. Currently, the city's sports and fitness market structure
more » ... tially types of monopolistic competition, pursuant to proposed amendments to the program should be based on the enterprise's own different economic capacity, to improve the policy on the basis of price competition, product strategy, advertising and other promotional the main way.
doi:10.2991/icemet-16.2016.247 fatcat:k775mbbvbzft3giemlogou464m