Alkaloid Composition of Lupinus albescens (Fabaceae) from South America

A. M Planchuelo-Ravelo, M. Wink
1993 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C - A Journal of Biosciences  
Alkaloid extracts of leaves and seeds of the South American taxon Lupinus albescens Hooker & Arnott were analyzed by capillary gas-chromatography (G LC ) and G LC-mass spectrometry. Multiflorine and albine figured as major, and ammodendrine, lupanine, 11,12-seco-12,13-didehydromultiflorine 13a-hydroxyultiflorine and 13-tigloyloxymultiflorine as minor alkaloids. Three new alkaloids were tentatively identified as a dehydromultiflorine, N -formylalbine and 13-methoxymultiflorine.
doi:10.1515/znc-1993-5-602 fatcat:idu247o6lndbdos5dtdjgvsreq