Best Practices for the Organizational Implementation of Software Testing

Tim A. Majchrzak
2010 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
Software testing as a main part of the development process is essential for the successful production of highest quality software. We have cooperated with regional companies in order to capture their problems with software development and to learn their distinct best practices in software testing. Based on our observations we created a framework to categorize recommendations for testing. In this paper we present the research methodology used and the framework built. We further illustrate four
more » ... jor recommendations considering the organizational implementation and strategic alignment of testing. They are derived from the analysis of the companies' status quo and best practices. Each recommendation is classified using the framework to show the conditions its application depends on.
doi:10.1109/hicss.2010.83 dblp:conf/hicss/Majchrzak10 fatcat:mgzp5rqemncbtn76425q5yaadi