Enterprise Learning and School Subjects – A Subject Didactic Issue?

Eva Leffler
2014 Journal of Education and Training  
According to the Swedish government, entrepreneurship is supposed to "run like a read thread" through the education system. Teachers are in their teaching required to stimulate skills that are vital for entrepreneurship. This study problematizes the relation between school subjects and enterprise learning from a discourse analytical approach. The point of departure is policy documents and research on entrepreneurship in schools. By using interviews with teachers and a principal, interpretations
more » ... and understanding of enterprise learning is analyzed. The results show that teachers emphasize the concepts connection with real life and creating meaningfulness in their rhetoric, but by omitting the didactic questions why and for whom, tend both the concepts creating meaningfulness and connection with real lift to deal with teachers' experiences and understanding and not on pupils' learning.
doi:10.5296/jet.v1i2.5194 fatcat:gc2ewvyk45hq3jedm4sms5jrqe