The conceptions of democratic school management / As concepções da gestão escolar democrática

Joselia Maria da Paz, Diogenes José Gusmão Coutinho
2022 Brazilian Journal of Development  
This work brings an approach on democratic schoolmanagement. It is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter it deals with the methodology in a bibliographic approach as well as a brief historical report. In the second chapter, the management concept was addressed as well as focusing on management models specifying the democratic and participatory management model. In the third chapter, the third chapter provides an approach on the example of the management model and importance of the
more » ... le of the school community and itsresponsibilities in the process of participatory democratic school management.
doi:10.34117/bjdv8n1-071 fatcat:pmx5df6qsjcmpnwzzunigdlote