Antimutagenic potentials of L-tyrosine and its metabolites on the genotoxic activity induced by methyl methanesulfonate

Merell Pabilona Billacura, Lydia Micabalo Bajo
2017 International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences  
L-Tyrosine an aromatic amino acid can be a potential chemical agent in treating Parkinson's disease. In this study, the potential of L-Tyrosine and its metabolites to inhibit the genotoxicity of methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) was assessed using in vivo and in vitro assays. In vivo test peripheral blood and bone marrow micronucleus assays, the antimutagenic potential of L-Tyrosine and its metabolites, L-DOPA, dopamine and epinephrine, to combat the breaking chromosome potential of MMS were
more » ... ed using albino mice, in which the test compounds were administered orally through gavage with a double dosage regimen while in vitro assay Ames test, Salmonella typhimurium standard tester strains TA98 and TA104 were utilized as its test microorganisms. Based on the results using One-way ANOVA with square root transformation of raw data and Duncan's Multiple Range Test, it shows that the difference in the treatment means between L-Tyrosine and its metabolites are much lower and significantly different (P value<0.05) from MMS which suggests that treatment samples lack the capacity of forming micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes (MPCEs). It is also evident that the occurrences of MPCEs were observed clearly in MMS and was the highest. Generally, results suggest that L-Tyrosine and its metabolites lower the genotoxic activity of MMS and hence, it can be considered to have an antimutagenic potential against chemically induced mutation. The number of revertants induced by MMS were significantly reduced, and epinephrine has the lowest activity in reducing and inhibiting the number of revertants induced by MMS while both L-Tyrosine and L-DOPA showed the highest activity.
doi:10.21833/ijaas.2017.011.016 fatcat:755oqztdvbg4dlntrw6ttigubu