Relationship between anthropometric indices and physical fitness of male cross-country athletes

Singh Jogbinder, Soodan
2016 519 International Journal of Physical Education, Sports and Health   unpublished
This study aims to find out the anthropometric and physical fitness performance characteristics of inter university male Crosscountry players (n=20).of Punjab having age ranging from 18 to 25 years and also to examine the relationship between selected parameters under study. Twelve anthropometric parameters and six general physical fitness tests were taken with standard instruments and standardized techniques. Results of present study revealed that Mean and SD values of anthropometric
more » ... i.e. body weight, height, sitting height, Upper arm girth, fore arm girth, thigh girth, calf girth, waist girth, Arm span, hand span and foot length were 56.20 ±6.25kg, 169.70 ± 4.65cm, 88.40± 2.29cm, 81.43±2.94cm, 24.25 ± 1.42cm, 23.43 ±1.22cm, 48.28 ±2.67cm, 32.60±21.3cm, 71.73 ±3.92cm, 176.38 ±7.22cm, 22.00 ±1.28cm and 24.35 ±0.88cm respectively and physical fitness parameters like 30m dash, standing broad jump, vertical jump, shuttle run, push ups and sits ups were examined 4.64 ±0.20sec, 212.05 ±13.19cm, 43.70 ±4.92cm, 9.84 ±0.32sec, 23.70±1.45 and 21.00 ±1.30 respectively. On applying coefficient of correlation (r) between anthropometric and physical fitness tests, 30 meter dash has shown highly significant correlation at 5% and 1%with all anthropometric parameters except sitting height, upper arm girth, waist girth and hand span respectively. Standing broad jump (SBJ) has shown significant correlation with all anthropometric parameters at 5% and 1% level. Vertical jump was recorded non-significant correlation with all anthropometric parameters except sitting height (r=0.37*). Shuttle run (4x10m) was reported significant r values with calf girth, arm span, hand span and non-significant correlation with other anthropometric parameters. Push ups (in 30 seconds) has shown highly significant correlation with body weight (0.50**), upper arm girth (0.38*), and arm span (0.40*) and non-significant correlation with all other anthropometric parameters. Non-significant correlation was observed between sits ups (in 30 seconds) and all anthropometric parameters. It was concluded from this study that anthropometric parameters and physical fitness parameters have significant role for talent identification and Selection.