The Relation Between Residential Self-Selection and Urban Mobility in Middle Eastern Cities: the Case of Alexandria, Egypt

Houshmand Masoumi, Mohamed R. Ibrahim, Atif Bilal Aslam
2021 Urban Forum  
AbstractThe present paper attempts to fill a part of the gap in the studies on residential location choices and their relations to urban mobility, socio-economics, and the built environment by presenting the results of a study on Alexandria, Egypt, by analysing the results of a survey in eight neighbourhoods undertaken in 2015. Four questions were answered in this study: (i) "How are the main drivers behind residential location choices in Alexandria connected to various socio-demographic groups
more » ... or people with different availability to urban and built environments?", (ii) "How are the main residential self-selections in Alexandria associated with one another and which are the most important?", (iii) "How are the housing location-related decisions of Egyptians similar to or different from international decisions?", and (iv) "How can planners and decision-makers use the knowledge produced by this study for urban planning and housing in Egypt?". Library work and the results of a Χ2 test of independence show that availability of transportation modes, nice neighbourhoods, and affordability are the strongest motives behind decisions. However, socio-economic factors are generally stronger than urban mobility and spatial issues. These findings are partly different from those of high-income countries.
doi:10.1007/s12132-020-09414-4 fatcat:g23tp3ieuvdjjerbhkgwhfzf64