The Study of the Features of Professional Ideas and Models of Success of Adolescents in the Process of Career Guidance Counseling of a Psychologist of an Educational Institution
Исследование особенностей профессиональных представлений и моделей успешности подростков в процессе профориентационного консультирования психолога образовательного учреждения

E.V. Dolotova
2021 Vestnik praktiÄ?eskoj psihologii obrazovaniâ  
The article presents the results of an empirical study aimed at identifying the features of professional ideas and ideas about success among adolescents. As a part of our research, we studied the features of these phenomena in adolescence, since it is during this period that a person first encounters the problem of professional self-determination and the choice of a trajectory for building his life strategy.
doi:10.17759/bppe.2021180310 fatcat:ewpbdzt3ijg7tpg6ctliw3mn7e