Current Principle behind the Functionality of Principal in Government School
Education is a powerful instrument of social change, and often initiates upwards movement in the social structure. The fundamental aim of the education is to bring about change in the person as well as in the society. His excellency, the former president of India late Shri A.P.J Abdul Kalam has rightly said that "Education is the most important element in the growth and prosperity of the nation". It is the passport to accelerate economic growth. It is the key in building human resource capital
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... nd human resource capital is a vital ingredient in building a nation. Universalization of elementary education has been a cherished national goal since 1950. There were various education commission and policies giving direction and guide lines as to how this national goal could be achieved. Many programmes have been taken up by the government to achieve UEE goal, to accomplish this goal article 21A of Indian constitution (eighty-sixth amendment) act, 2002 (w.e.f. 01 -04-2010) directs the state to provide free and compulsory education to all children till they complete the 14 years of age. In order to fulfil this constitutional obligation, the access to educational facilities has been improved to a large extent by establishing a number of schools and the required facilities and the enrolments there in have been increased tremendously. Development in education is an important indicator of overall development of a society. Lacks of proper educational facilities have been one of the major causes of backwardness of Indian masses. In the process of educational development, the basic foundation is to enhance the existing programmes. With a good elementary education, there will be smooth passage to secondary education. Hence, the most urgent need of the hour is to realize the importance of elementary education to accomplish the objective of developing country and enabling them to compete successfully in the race of civilization. We have to accede fully that elementary education is our weakest link. All the efforts to improve secondary and higher education will end fiasco without effective improvement in elementary education. In a sense, we can hold that without its improvement, the progress of the nation as a whole is quite unthinkable. Elementary education holds the key in the educational system of any country. In fact, it forms the linkage to secondary and higher education