Growth of detector-grade CZT by Traveling Heater Method (THM): An advancement

U. N. Roy, S. Weiler, J. Stein, M. Groza, A. Burger, A. E. Bolotnikov, G. S. Camarda, A. Hossain, G. Yang, R. B. James
2011 Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings  
In this present work we report the growth of Cd 0.9 Zn 0.1 Te doped with In by a modified THM technique. It has been demonstrated that by controlling the microscopically flat growth interface, the size distribution and concentration can be drastically reduced in the as-grown ingots. This results in as-grown detector-grade CZT by the THM technique. The three-dimensional size distribution and concentrations of Te inclusions/precipitations were studied. The size distributions of the Te
more » ... ns/inclusions were observed to be below the 10-µm range with the total concentration less than 10 5 cm -3 . The relatively low value of Te inclusions/precipitations results in excellent charge transport properties of our as-grown samples. The (µτ) e values for different as-grown samples varied between 6-20 x10 -3 cm 2 /V. The as-grown samples also showed fairly good detector response with resolution of ~1.5%, 2.7% and about 3.8% at 662 keV for quasi-hemispherical geometry for detector volumes of 0.18 cm 3 , 1 cm 3 and 4.2 cm 3 , respectively.
doi:10.1557/opl.2011.1478 fatcat:y6ww4lnwmveurpg5ah3zakdniy