SZIR ha-SZIRIM. Image-Depicting Via Sacrum and Profanum Metaphor on the Example of Song of Songs – a cognitive analysis
SZIR ha-SZIRIM (pieśń najpiękniejsza). Obrazowanie za pomocą metafory Sacrum i profanum na przykładzie "Pieśni nad pieśniami" – analiza kognitywna

Renata Łukiewicz-Kostro
2017 Kultura i Wartości  
Song of Songs, included in the Old Testament Book of Wisdom is a passionate erotic poem, a prototype of love lyrical poetry which expresses perennial, fascinating, sensual sensations and human desires. The text has been the subject of numerous interpretations in various perspectives, among others: natural (pastoral), cult and mystical, allegorical or theological. It also stimulated quite provocative radical interpretations as it is a text one cannot go by indifferently. The aim of this paper is
more » ... to analyze briefly a selected Sacrum/profanum metaphor via cognitive approach and indicate there is no dualism but rather mutual overlapping of those two spheres.
doi:10.17951/kw.2016.20.33 fatcat:zctzrqwi7beyje5ut7d54bqxdi