The Effect of the Electric Maze Educational Game on the Concentration of Hyperactive Children

Aminatuzzuhriah. D, Herry Widyastono, Ravik Karsidi
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
Hyperactive children with concentration barriers have less attention and less concentration with activities or lessons that children are doing. This study aims to determine the effect of the electric maze educational game on the concentration of hyperactive children. This study uses a quantitative research approach because the data presented are in the form of numbers and analysis using statistics. This research uses the Single Subject Research (SSR) method because it focuses on one or more
more » ... ects but has the same characteristics. The design used in this study is A-B-A. The subjects in this study were 3 hyperactive children with the same characteristics, namely concentration problems. The results showed that Baseline Phase 1 (A1) was subject to (1) 1 minute 58 seconds-1 minute 50 seconds, (2) 1 minute 50 seconds-1 minute 38 seconds, and (3) 1 minute 7 seconds-1 minute 45 seconds in the Intervention Phase (B) experienced an increase in time duration, namely the subject (1) 1 minute 48 minutes-2 minutes 53 seconds, (2) 1 minute 46 seconds-2 minutes 51 seconds, (3) 1 minute 50 seconds-3 minutes 8 seconds, then in Baseline Phase 2 (A2) after the intervention is the subject (1) 2 minutes 53 seconds-3 minutes 60 seconds, (2) 2 minutes 55 seconds-2 minutes 81 seconds, (3) 2 minutes 75 seconds-3 minute 91 seconds. Electric maze educational games can affect the concentration of hyperactive children. This research can find concepts and methods of play that can affect the concentration of hyperactive children and can also provide alternative choices in the implementation of learning about how to improve the concentration ability of hyperactive children through educational games with electric maze.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220405.005 fatcat:hozi2yir4vbq3bvpc6jt2aalhq