DSSim Results for OAEI 2009

Miklos Nagy, Maria Vargas-Vera, Piotr Stolarski
2009 International Semantic Web Conference  
The growing importance of ontology mapping on the Semantic Web has highlighted the need to manage the uncertain nature of interpreting semantic meta data represented by heterogeneous ontologies. Considering this uncertainty one can potentially improve the ontology mapping precision, which can lead to better acceptance of systems that operate in this environment. Further the application of different techniques like computational linguistics or belief conflict resolution that can contribute the
more » ... velopment of better mapping algorithms are required in order to process the incomplete and inconsistent information used and produced during any mapping algorithm. In this paper we introduce our system called "DSSim" and describe the improvements that we have made compared to OAEI 2006, OAEI 2007 and OAEI 2008.
dblp:conf/semweb/NagyVS08 fatcat:ifyrvrjoljfbrdrmkj2zlktthu