Strategies of innovative development of forage industry of Ukraine in conditions of today's calls
Стратегії інноваційного розвитку кормовиробництва України в умовах сучасних викликів

V. Petrychenko, O. Kornijchuk
2018 Visnyk agrarnoi nauky  
The purpose. To study conceptual approaches to the strategy of innovative development of forage industry of Ukraine in conditions of becoming of world agroindustrial production. Methods. Systems analysis, analytical, mathematical-and-statistical, monographic, calculative-relative. Results. Conceptual approaches to the strategy of development of forage industry which are based on transfer of innovations into the branch are offered. Conclusions. Transfer of innovations into forage industry will
more » ... omote revitalization of competitive animal husbandry, formation of food safety of the state in conditions of climate fluctuation and further development of euro integration processes. Statement of the problem. Active growth of demand for livestock products in the countries, where economy is developing most dynamically, has caused a large-scale increase in its production. This has been accompanied by significant technological innovations and structural changes in agrarian production. It is known that nutritional needs of the population are met due to the development of industrial livestock production and related food chains. At the same time, millions of rural residents continue to keep animals within the limits of traditional production systems that helps to ensure livelihoods and food security of the state, which to a large extent is inherent in the modern Ukrainian village. Analysis of recent research and publications. Today, many researchers pay attention to urgent issues of the technology of production and use of feeds, their classification by the origin, nutritional value and significance, nomenclature, identification, and biochemical state. Special attention is paid to the nature of nutrients and biologically active substances in numerous fundamental works of domestic scientists in the field of feed production, feeding of farm animals and poultry [0, 0]. The problems of practical production and use of feed protein for farm animals are examined in the papers of foreign scientists [0-0]. The purpose of this study is to highlight the conceptual approaches to the strategy of innovation development of Ukraine's feed production under current conditions of formation of the world agro-industrial production. Research results. The strategy of the agrarian sector development in the Ukrainian economy by 2025 emphasizes the growing role of scientific support of innovative development, formation of partnership relations between modern agribusiness, the state and branch science in the field of seed production development, breeding and pedigree stock-breeding, technical and technological support of the agrarian sector [ 8] . In particular, in 2025, it is forecasted to produce 16.1 million tons of milk, 3.9 million tons of meat in slaughter mass and 20.9 billion eggs, which will contribute to the food security of Ukraine. It is expected that 1 ton of high quality feed should provide production of 1 ton of milk, 0.13 tons of cattle meat, 0.3 tons of pig meat, 0.45 tons of poultry meat, and 5.5 thousand eggs. Only under such conditions, strategy implementation will enable to develop organizational and economic basis for efficient, socially oriented development of the agrarian sector of economy, stable industry supply with agricultural raw materials, and the population with high-quality and safe domestic agricultural products. An increase in the volume of production with high added value will ensure Ukraine's presence in the world market of agricultural products and food.
doi:10.31073/agrovisnyk201801-02 fatcat:jdhhhey47zdk3nltruxon25cve