Developing a Functional Approach to Assessment of Land Capability: Utilizing Ecosystem Water and Carbon Nutrient Fluxes as Integrated Measures of Reclamation Performance

Justin R. Straker, Sean K. Carey, Richard M. Petrone, Trevor D. Baker, Stacey L. Strilesky
The material in this report reflects the judgment of Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) Joint Industry Project (JIP) Participants Suncor Energy Inc. and Syncrude Canada Ltd., as well as the authors, in light of the information available at the time of document preparation. Permission for non-commercial use, publication or presentation of excerpts or figures is granted, provided appropriate attribution is cited. Commercial reproduction, in whole or in part, is not permitted without
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doi:10.7939/r3-0r6g-bn62 fatcat:o6tp72ic3rbdzk6ztj67vgv3oe