Human Development Report 2013 [book]

This year's Human Development Report looks at an issue that profoundly influences human potential and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. Throughout history human progress has depended on access to clean water and on the ability of societies to harness the potential of water as a productive resource. Water for life in the household and water for livelihoods through production are two of the foundations for human development. Yet for a large section of humanity these foundations
more » ... e not in place. The word crisis is sometimes overused in development. But when it comes to water, there is a growing recognition that the world faces a crisis that, left unchecked, will derail progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and hold back human development. For some, the global water crisis is about absolute shortages of physical supply. This Report rejects this view. It argues that the roots of the crisis in water can be traced to poverty, inequality and unequal power relationships, as well as flawed water management policies that exacerbate scarcity. Access to water for life is a basic human need and a fundamental human right. Yet in our increasingly prosperous world, more than 1 billion Contributors Background studies, papers and notes were prepared on a wide range of thematic issues relating to the Report.
doi:10.18356/a1b0c169-en fatcat:y4r6ygjq5vajdgaiug7timwa5y