The Nanaimo Free Press [Thursday, March 31, 1910]
(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
Mar. 81.-Th* njoat *hap« «1 fu«l oU ud cm. «ad «1m • of the locid coal opera-U»a iMt that coal la ba>«c i*lppad ^ coal «al»e--e hU the e ^ tia ev loads or lees, and whc It U qelleved. haeeevec. tha*wtrlke in ___ thU dUtriet »U1 be » eevere weather during the win-abart duration. It U ahM on .goad nr -sad the inability of the rail-authority that a temporary agreenag to move coal to the city fast andoiied the vee-f**-*:** * t>-i% wnaath the «atera..'«» east 890> kti Ibr. SI.-t1ie exphk-WmB tin
more »
... h hsMnant of UmUpnAptf . a reet tsMMent today, khat the po carefoOg prepared |M » ta iU founda-1 SEflUlUiiT NEAI41F TWem haws tnw k atethavistnM^IW -n: Bto. and T^nmenteg ^ go ly,^^^ ^^iwlta^Jn icha ni m» mr MHAMlMUSTiaiE CicUi the atona < iMve -1 hand, and the wrfaich will leea uaable te go forward with but little .delay, ra pending the aettlement of the entire snnsdy to concede the advance in dHspute. ^ asked by the iniaera provided j Ifie dilTerntce in the PltUbnrg dls-gSber detalU are eatUfactarily 'trict between snfners and operators Ab-' • concerns working houre, the nse of Cthr. M**"-3^.-ThU eve->certaln pcrmhalble exploslven. and a acdlhar the Rapid Transit IsMtion ad Xahor and State Senator nor the leatUrs-of the strlk |]SeNiecil held n eneeting last night, era wDl admft wit nny change in tha Wl .ae ja. reanlt. it U bediewed the policy. The coirfWBy'a 'Udter. wHio U the BepnHIku lender farougfa -Bayor Beybnm. >rf thU^elty, hane^ain intervened on -two -wetta ago. that all the me* lUhalf at the .wfaUtlea of the coat nofnea "demand for an Increase of hve per south onatcm interwUctelcent per ton hi the run of nitne. Ml wfll-cdB the mm .to work, butj iTie hitch hi digntng the sgreeb dl probability they will wwt re-'mentswhich has failed of srtriement gaad. aa they have Mked tor an in-by two Joint conTerencea already, •see ia wapa. which the opcrptore-comee over the powder quoetion, Ihy they eanpot meet. The south-which is of two yeere' standing in SiMtem coal Mds employ about 35-the district. The operators and men. and are composed of the minprs however, hope to reach an of BUsnuri. Kansas. OWaho-understanding by Tlaturday whereby aa and Arkansas. The operators the miners return to work -uiider a m'a ntrflm i r.,81-:B«r-.esIUiin a definite of the :ear-Asfll .eaC. today. al-| Oenln flayes..df . apid Tranalt Umtion of Xsdmr » time, .thn strike A mi mu #F mmtm WTfS ■nie rnttentlcm of all Free Frees vertfenrs ^ aSreclefi to the new ▼ertJsUig .BBte card which here foUown and whiA hUw effect tp-saocrov could return to wwk and be give* , Cara are running m usndl today, tbrir oM runs m -rapidly as possible fimt it Is reported^ the acrvlee hM bM not been withdrawn, and It if been curtailed In the nortbeestem brtleved that if Che company wlU wectlon of the dity. Which hM been instate all of the men to their olq the storm centre eff-the strfbe dU-IpoOttloHS within two months. of ^bance. «»*w w«w*lMEF NEWS n inHcm ■y they are'willing to conthrne the temporary scale, allowing the five j watiuet made with the miners two cent run of mihie -per ton increase, J ynn ago, but they cannot grant but holding in abeyance the tettle-j susves JLOCAl. W3EATHEH. hnw ot -eempet< the 1 fnel in ment of the powder question the later. rfftSF ST»K$ ii CONVICTS CIOTUS TnliCfiliBln BaTwi Mar.. FV-The papers today yObtiffii the serien -of lettem exchang «d bObween Crown Prince Fredpiek tVlBim, of Germany, and hU friend •Tourtt iPerdinaiid Von Hochbmg. l-udiieh were given puWicity in New York wt rtio trial Of Noah E. aamm. _ who is uHiarged .with the mUappr^ ! .of J3OO0 .Of the assets of fha to Vletpria reports " pmm mglnners are going over the Dunsmuir properties on behaU the flanadia* Northern Railway Co. It will be remembered that it reported that Mesara. fiCcKenaU s«d MOXaSDI. Oecmsny. Mar. 81 It appears today that uowacds two leaa eerlous iniury express ran down and wrecked a hundred prZfem ol .t^ .fitrassborg u... "he deaths 22. and six others are said L'lia, .Mar. 81.-There arc j JirHW «Ul jpanwir kV> vMm »a«s^ -» ot k'.ottan Ectd Crock Copper Co., V »r»inrt ...ore or i which he was president, and in which ) hundred people rocelvwl more or jj«aiberg Induced hU friends in I eerlous injury when the .steamer Oernuinv to invest ?15O.OO0. The principally the dUhmd of the House of ad married e. death i.*,ui»e t axow, u I ho|. girl. announced toda} . that are to be practically ___ U that inatitutioa. Tke con-i dying. to ambit-,diera. Two signal -----1 garb only •* am, said the warden, and mak-' You are inpossihle over here. ,___ lost for all of us." and suggvst-The sictlniB were sol-^ Count Clmnge hLs name to Hons JVrdinaiid Hnrn<«, and ochave been arrested s month bom his father in lea. mw u»--: ^ !oomldoratWn thcrMore. Ibe Count reform. Suits charged with giving notn that if he had violated wrth class letters --_____ trains llw right of way irt the-same j traditions of his family, he ha *>--Jw a.-3 vMks. 83e. ptr IlM: 1 nMUh. ?3.«w3t InM a. iMiar^i new ' wnts per line. Landaht. his son Eamm, sBfl diiwb Cariboo and fair with Irost at night j P«r Uas; 8 months •••tripes, and only the very worst •Asvsd |h«Q fg, ho punished by •