Distribution of supernovae relative to spiral arms and H II regions

O. S. Bartunov, D. Yu. Tsvetkov, I. V. Filimonova
1994 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific  
We have studied the association of supemovae in spiral galaxies with sites of recent star formation-spiral arms and HII regions. It is shown that supemovae (SNe) of Types la, lb, and II exhibit concentration to spiral arms and their distributions over the distance to the nearest spiral arm do not differ significantly. This result is confirmed by a Kolmogorov-Smimov test comparison with the distance distributions, expected if SNe are distributed randomly inside the model galaxy. SNe of Types lb
more » ... nd II show a strong concentration towards HII regions, while distribution of SNe la can be explained by chance superposition. All studied distributions of SNe lb and II show striking similarity, which suggests that their progenitors are massive stars with similar ages and initial masses. The association of SNe la with spiral arms suggests that their progenitors in spiral galaxies are likely to be intermediate mass stars.
doi:10.1086/133505 fatcat:x55z3xfapfh67crno3rh677gye