Does Working Capital Financing Structure Affect Firm Value? --- An Empirical Research Based on Data of China's A-Share Listed Companies

Minghu Wang, Hongjing Zhou
2022 International Journal of Economics and Finance  
In this paper, we use financial data of Chinese listed companies from 2010 to 2020 to explore the relation between working capital financing structure and firm value under certain monetary policy and macro economy situation. We find that when monetary policy expands, the use of aggressive working capital financing structure is conducive to value maximization; when the macroeconomic situation is good, the aggressive working capital financing structure helps to improve firm value. Further study
more » ... nds that monetary policy expansion urges firms to use more short-term debt to cut capital cost, and better macroeconomic situation can cut firm’s bankrupt cost to bring down working capital financing structure and improve firm value.
doi:10.5539/ijef.v14n9p9 fatcat:y3ub3pijdnfiba7yuyfgq4clxy