Regenerative Solar Still with Concentrator

Vinit V. Dongaonkar, Shreyash A. Sable, , Dipit A. Guhe, Sanket M. Ganorkar
2017 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
Solar still desalination uses a sustainable and pollution-free source to produce high-quality water. The main limitation is low productivity and this has been the focus of intensive research. A major concern while increasing productivity is to maintain economic feasibility and simplicity. In this paper, a review has been presented on the various factors influencing the productivity of the solar stills by using concentrator. The various studies on the factors enhancing the productivity such as
more » ... e area of absorption, the material of absorber, cooling of cover, water-glass cover temperature difference, inlet water temperature, are discussed here.
doi:10.17577/ijertv6is040348 fatcat:n6vso2syrjgz3fem5gq57stax4