The Concept of Nationalism and Patriotism in Javanese Culture in Text of "Serat Tripama"

D Setiyadi, Hersulastuti Hersulastuti, S Widayanti
2019 Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Language, Literature and Society for Education   unpublished
To understand the Java ethnic culture, someone needs to acquire a good understanding of the culture context that exists in Java. This study was aimed at revealing the concept of nationalism and patriotism in the Javanese culture found in text of "Serat Tripama", specifically in form of tembang macapat (the Javanese song) in Dhandhanggula pupuh written by Mangkunegara IV. Its focus was on the textual surface of discourse or descriptive and interpretative phases, as well as its explanative phase
more » ... f the Fairclough's model of critical discourse analysis (CDA). It was conducted by exploring power relations from a critical standpoint in order to make careful interpretation of the text relating to the purpose of the study. The results show that several lines in the discourse contained the valuable values of nationalism and patriotism. These concepts were flourishing through the wayang performance performing the Ramayana and Mahabharata stories which had been familiar and firmly embedded in the Javanese people' way of life.
doi:10.4108/eai.21-12-2018.2282790 fatcat:bhfukadc2vatzfhrzbbosfli6i