El Movimiento 5 Estrellas: utopía digital y populismo sin adjetivos

Andrea Betti, Carlos Rico Motos
2020 Revista de Estudios Políticos  
The irruption of the Five Star Movement (M5S) has deeply transformed the Italian party system. In an unprecedented phenomenon, a protest movement constituted around an internet blog has managed to move, in only eight years, from the virtual space of the Internet to the Italian government, alternately reaching agreements with formations located on the right and the left of the ideological spectrum. In order to clarify the political nature of this sui generis phenomenon, this case study relies on
more » ... primary and secondary sources to analyze the ideology, organizational structure, programmatic measures and the profile of the M5S's voters. The analysis concludes that the M5S constitutes a rare case of «pure populism», able to discursively integrate elements of conflicting ideologies and to connect with a widespread anti-political sentiment among Italian voters, thus maximizing its electoral performance.
doi:10.18042/cepc/rep.189.08 fatcat:j4y5t376wjfw5a47t37cibutf4